Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus

astrology 2024 horoscope

The most important transit of 2024 ! 

Jupiter: freedom, philosophy, free spirit, spirituality, truth, travel, growth, expansion, international (foreign country/people), religion, optimism...
Uranus: surprise, explosion, liberation, sudden events, eruption, innovation, technology, eccentricity, independence, freedom...
Taurus : land (Earth), food, bank, money, saving, epicureanism, agriculture,, nature...

So the key word I would choose for 2024 : change !

The appropriate music ? Rock 'n' Roll !!! 

 What I would like to happen : truth quickly spread all over the world : international revolution against (corrupted) people in power : Liberation of Humanity from slavery.*

* Pluto (power) in aquarius (humanity), (aquarius is also ruled by uranus) can help for such a scenario.

 What could happen : big earthquake/volcano eruption(or over natural events), mega bankruption, sudden revolutions worldwide, new bank system, new technologies to product food. and/or to use money..

Solar eclipse april 8

solar eclipse astrology guidance
This solar eclipse is crossing by the United States, cutting the country in 2 ...
What such a karmic event may bring to this country ? 

A Civil war ? A country drasticaly divided in 2 (politically speaking, geographically speaking ???) ?

Pluto in Aquarius...  Change of era.

astrology horoscope natal chart

20 years for Humanity to moult and reveal its true essence.

Are you ready for the journey ?
End of January, sun and Pluto go together in the sign of Aquarius.
Pluto will stay there 20 years. 20 years for the new Humanity to appear. From the old, what do we need to let go ? What isn't anymore necesery ? Pluto as always will go deep to see what is hidden, to bring it to the surface so humanity can face it, and if it isn't positive for evolution of humankind, it will remove it.

The great Divine reset is now. Fasten your seat belts, it is going to be fun, wild sometimes... But at the end, the new Humanity will be born.

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